
Why do we write about travel? From the initial stages to writing

  >  Storytelling Tips   >  Why do we write about travel? From the initial stages to writing

Why tell a trip? The passage from living the experience to its transcription in a diary goes through four phases.

Four fundamental moments during which even the style of writing evolves together with our emotions. Let’s find out.

Fernando Pessoa described travel in a poem as “Being constantly something else”. And it’s true. Start, leaving everyday life and your habits to discover new lands and immerse yourself in new cultures means contaminating our being with pieces of another life. With new emotions and experiences that over time become memories. So why do we write about travel?

The search for stories, places and people is the perfect opportunity to meet the other, the different, the unknown. It is an opportunity to test ourselves with the world and with ourselves, to open mind and heart towards new horizons and points of view.

Each trip, in fact, consists of four fundamental moments:

  • departure
  • transit
  • arrival
  • return

Four periods that we can tell in different ways, through writing, photography, video or drawing, but which have a common goal: to remember, eternalize emotions and crystallize the moments in which “we were constantly other”.

Travel Storytelling, Sara Panizzon, TripOrTrek

The journey, in fact, is not only the search for the other but also for the self. It can arise from a curiosity, a desire or a need and the story of the journey is nothing more than a reinterpretation of our life.Through the story we can relive sensations and experiences whenever we want, and travel writing evolves with us as we live in those four moments.

The time before departure is that of the imagination, the dream, the preparation through the study of maps, guides and images.

The transit time is that of the thoughts and emotions captured through photos, videos and the first draft of a diary made of scattered, fast and synthetic notes. 

The time of arrival has the bitter sweet taste of the experience just ended that we begin to relive by looking at the photos and rearranging the notes with a more elaborate and evocative writing.

Finally, there is the time of return that brings our memories into a new dimension: that of awareness. It is the reinterpretation after a while of experience that becomes not only memory, but also learning and enrichment. It is going back on our steps, in our daily routine, with new acquaintances. It is taking the story back in hand to enrich it with new meanings. Because the time of return is the time of life lessons to share.

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