
Fall in love in Ireland

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Happy Valentine’s Day travelers. Today I propose some romantic curiosity related to green Ireland. You know the history of the traditional Irish Claddagh Ring?

It was created more than 400 years ago in the village, near the Bay of Galway, and is made of two hands that support a heart topped by a crown.

Ring reason is explained in the phrase: “that love and friendship reign” and depending on how you wear it changes the meaning of friendship to love: if the crown is turned towards the fingertips your heart is busy, if the crown is turned down you are ready to fall in love.

Ireland is also the home of St. Valentine. In Dublin, in fact, there is the Whitefriar Street Church, a small church where are the relics of the saint of lovers. There is no better way to celebrate February 14 that pay a visit to St. Valentine to ask if the man or woman you have at your side are the right ones and then receive a blessing on your love.

Finally if you are looking for a place to celebrate your wedding you know that in the lakes region, in the county of Fermanagh there is a splendid villa: Florence Court. This Palladian mansion emanates love in every corner: in fact Sir John Cole bought the villa in the eighteenth century and gave it the name of the woman he loved, his wife Florence. Even if you do not you get married here I recommend you visit it if only to fall in love with the place.

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